Monday 13 December 2010

Putting Publication Together

13/12/2010- today we put the publication together. I began by sticking the pages that were back to back together, then hole punching the pages before threading rafia through, to bind it together...

Exhibition Day

Only Gary and I turned up on the day of the exhibition, so there was a lot of running around trying to get things completed. We got a large banner printed for the back wall of the gallery set out sketch books and waited to chat to Liam about what the project was all about...

Day Before Exhibition

06/12/2010- today we finished things up and brought everything down to the gallery space. I cut out two unplug logos, one for the side of the model and one for outside the gallery space. Hannah and I also put 18 photos into frames, to display on the walls of the gallery. We brought the model down and were able to add the finished touches to it, which included the road, dirt track and river on the sides, and last minute sticking down on the top...


02/12/2010- today we sat down and discussed the publication. We wanted to create a handmade publication with a sketchbook feel. We made a mock up of the publication with pages 15x15cm, then divided it up, so that each of us had roughly 9 pages to do. I had the front and back covers, the inside covers, profile section, initial sketches, double page spread of model nets, beginning, middle and final stages of the model to complete...

Friday 3 December 2010

Model 12

30/11/2010- After how well the text worked yesterday, i started to create another phrase to fit in along the dirt track. Once this was done my side of the model was complete, i just had to put down the light green base, and then stick everything in place...

Model 11

29/11/2010- Today i built my abandoned cottage, created more trees and made 3D text...